
Knights of Columbus
Father Francis X. Hoffer Council #14504
Centerville, Ohio

Fraternal Year

Position Name
Chaplain Rev Brian W. Phelps
Grand Knight John Hoffman email
Deputy Grand Knight Sean Gammon email
Financial Secretary Bob Luppino email
Chancellor Mike Tortorici
Recorder Joe Schmidt
Treasurer Mike Nowak
Warden Michael Manzo
Advocate Michael Freil
Lecturer Assigned by Grand Knight
Outside Guard Jeffery Travers, Dan Pfeiffer
Inside Guard Patrick Allen
3-Year Trustee Steve Berns
2-Year Trustee Danny Sprouse
1-Year Trustee Shawn McManamy
Past Grand Knights of Council #14504

Program Directors

Position Name
Faith Danny Sprouse
Family Michael Nowak
Community Steven F. Berns
Life Tom Brockman

Charity ♦ Fraternity ♦ Unity ♦ Patriotism

  • Exemplification